In today’s podcast, we look at this question that is trying to hide itself right now but is so obvious and in plain sight. This video comes with a strong warning that it does ask questions that many would rather we don’t ask right now. But if our meditation, spiritual journey, and relationship with life are to have meaning, we must ask the questions we feel we shouldn’t. We cannot pretend there is no shadow.
This podcast features a clip from Sarah Bertozzi, who kindly gave me permission to share her video - you can find more about her and her work as a storyteller here
It also features as its reply an excerpt from a much longer Satsang video by yours truly, which was released this week for members of The Open Space private sacred community. You can find out more about The Open Space here.
In this podcast, we cover:
The questions surrounding the absence of spiritual guidance and leadership during this time in the world. We discuss the responsibilities of spiritual teachers in addressing worldly issues.
The importance of embracing one's humanity and not bypassing it in the pursuit of spirituality. The discussion highlights the necessity of spirituality reflecting in one's life as illumination and awareness.
I delve into my own personal background, touching upon the impacts of colonialism and divided nations and how these experiences have shaped my perspective on spirituality and identity.
We bring a critical eye to how modern spirituality often strips away the core essence of traditional practices, turning them into commodified versions like various forms of modern yoga and meditation practices, losing their true spiritual significance.
I encourage you to explore genuine spiritual practice and awakening to move beyond superficialities and societal norms. The focus is on the transformation that comes from true self-realization and the need to make amends for past actions as part of spiritual growth.
We realise that this video/podcast will be challenging for a number of people. But if questions cannot be honestly explored - well, we are seeing right now where that leads.
With love
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