Rowan Moon Some days are over before they begin. Sleeping past the alarm, eating cornflakes standing in the kitchen. Looking at the viewless view, the next row of houses, Hannah and her cats and children, Graham filling his water bottle. How do you pull a sickie when you work for yourself? You’d be paranoid about running into yourself all day. So its out to the car, making the miles, marking the time. A sandwich for lunch. The long drag through the afternoon. Some days begin where you least expect them to. A girl on a checkout pauses the conveyer belt for a moment, says something about the DVD you’re buying, how much the film meant to her. You tell her your little story and the day begins for both of you. John Siddique - © 2009 From 'Recital - An Almanac' (Salt Publications) 'Glimpses of inspiration from Larkin, Cummings and Neruda inform the poetry here, but Siddique’s own voice takes those ways of looking at the world and sets out stories of who we are right now in the 21st century.'
Thank you for your time and attention on these strange days. It means a lot that you would spend some time here with these humble offerings. If you have attention to spare after this: